When you're reassuring an embarrassed client that she *doesn't* have the most clothes you've ever seen and she looks at you like, girl you crazy... 😅
All jokes aside, the word ‘embarrassed’ is something I hear from my client's mouths quite often.
"I'm so embarrassed you have to see my closet like this."
"I'm so embarrassed I don't fit into my clothes anymore."
"I'm so embarrassed I don't know how to dress for myself."
We're all embarrassed because we think we're the only ones.
"I bet you've never seen a closet THIS bad."
"I bet I have the most clothes out of all your clients, don't I?"
"I bet I'm your most difficult client."
These sentences are all laced with shame. We're ashamed that we don't have this part of our life figured out.
Well, they say you teach what you need to know. And you know what?
I have the most clothes I've ever seen.
I have 15+ items I *LOVE* that have been waiting to be altered for over a year.
I hang onto clothes I know I will never wear, thinking I can 'use them for a photoshoot' one day.
I keep a collection of my grandmother's clothes in hopes that one day I'll create a Lookbook on her behalf.
I'm on a shopping ban until I get my shit together.
I’m in a much better place than I used to be (former shopaholic) but I have a ways to go.
So I'm giving myself grace, as well as the space to take my time.
And guess what? I’m not any less worthy because of these things. I’m not lazy. I’m overwhelmed. And I’m human. You are too.
I get it.
I've been where you are.
I’ve felt how you feel.
But it's not an impossible task.
All it takes vulnerability, trust, patience, and a magic plan.
All I need from you is the first three and I have the fourth covered.
And once you experience this magic, you'll wonder what you were worried about all this time.
"Wow, this was so much easier with you here. I don't know what I was worried about."
"I can't believe I let go of so much stuff. I feel lighter, can think clearer. I feel inspired to do the rest of my house!"
"You are magic. Life-changing. Everyone needs to do this with you. Even if they don't think they need to, they do.”
I’m ready when you are. Feel free to reach out here and let me know your wardrobe challenges. ❤